Fine Powdery Yellow/Light Brown Substance..Algae Problems

by Dieter

I have trouble keeping my in-ground pool clean. There is a very fine powdery yellow / light brown substance I can't vacuum out. Chlorine / pH levels are normal.

Pool is 5 years old

Any suggestions?

Thanks for your question Dieter

From your description it sounds like you might have a Yellow Algae problem, sometimes called Mustard Algae. This kind of swimming pool algae is normally found in the shady parts of the pool

If these yellow spots can easily be swept away into a powdery form, then re-appear a couple of days later, chances of having Yellow Algae is pretty high.

After you get this issue under control, go to this link to learn how to best balance your pool water:

I'd like to have your complete chemical readings, the actual numbers:

Chlorine, CYA (cyanuric acid/stabilizer), pH, Alkalinity, Calcium Hardness, and Metals (iron and copper) and names of any algaecides you may have used along with clarifiers, phosphate removers, and/or flocs. It makes troubleshooting much easier.

Have a great Summer.


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White Powdery Subtance
by: Joe Walbridge

we have a white very fine powdery substance in our fresh water pool with a vinyl liner. We have vacuumed it up & it returns.

Thanks for the question Joe but I'm going to need much more information. I'd like to have your complete chemical readings, the actual numbers:

Chlorine, CYA (cyanuric acid/stabilizer), pH, Alkalinity, Calcium Hardness, and Metals (iron and copper) and names of any algaecides you may have used along with clarifiers, phosphate removers, and/or flocs. It makes troubleshooting much easier and the process of clearing up your pool will go much faster. I also need the kind of filter and kind of chlorine you use.


I Have Dark Brown Powdery Deposits On The Bottom Of My Pool
by: Ken

These deposits dissipate into the water when I try to vacuum. When I use a pool brush these deposits act like algae and drop back to the pool floor within minutes.

I have tried numerous chemicals, and thus far I am still battling this problem. Please suggest an answer.

P.S. my water is crystal clear, but this brown powdery patchs never go away.

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