Replacement Parts For A Delair Above Ground Pool

by Donna

We recently moved the pool. A big wind came up overnight before liner was put in.

It knocked over pool and bent tracks both on top and bottom. Pool is a 15 x 30 x 52.

Is there any way we can buy generic tracks or replacement parts to fit? It's a Delair pool-with scallop sides. The company went out of business. We just bought pool in 2006. Please help if possible.

Thanks for the question Donna

Above ground pool manufacturers have been going through a kind of consolidation over the last few years. Companies have been bought out and taken over to make these kind of "super companies". Pretty much like everything else. Parts are made by very few manufacturers and sold under different names. They're constantly changing.

Delair did go out of business and was purchased by the Wilbar Group. I don't have a number, but a website that you may want is this:

You'll be able to contact them to see where you can get parts for your above ground pool. Hope this points you in the right direction. Good luck with your pool and have a safe and fun swimming season.


Comments for Replacement Parts For A Delair Above Ground Pool

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May 13, 2013
Good Luck With Replacement Parts
by: louise mcmanis

I have a Delair pool that has a 30 year warranty but no one has the rail caps I need. I have been passed from one company to another. Delair wanted the $2700.00 I paid for this pool in 2002 but it is rusting to the ground and the rail caps are all cracked and falling off.

But no one wants to honor this warranty. So I hope you can get what you need, but even if the company sold out that company needs to honor these warranties and if they won't Delair needs to step up.

May 26, 2013
Replacement parts for DELAIR - Ester Williams
by: JO

Company was reputable when I purchased pool in 2007. But -- now defunct. And no such thing as rust resistant.

Liner is my issue right now, but when I saw the comments about rusting, I had to put my 2 cents in.

Rust rust and more rust.

My warranty was negated because I installed a salt generator. I don't understand that salt is worse than chlorine, but if you have a 30 year warranty, you'd think it wouldn't rust out in less than 5 years (and that's what happened last year).

Jun 30, 2013
Delair Pools Top Clips T3965 On 24' Round
by: Anonymous

Connecticut. Ditto here put in a chlorine generator and 24' round pool in June 2008 and past year I have noticed the rust debris about the size of pennies in my pool. Traced them to the top clips.

The 30 year warranty card steps that 30 year warranty at 4 years it will only cover 50 percent ....OF THE PART price thereafter it loses another 5 percent to only 5% at 20-30 years ... yeah limited warranty. Distributor id'd that the chlorine generators have been in US for 8 years and "we are starting to notice a rusting trend" YA THINK!!! looking at options but I am seeing a replacement effort occurring in a 1-2 years if I cannot find the clips. May have to trash the chlorine generator or paint spray rustproofing on all exposed metal but am looking at a way to find replacement top clips when I have to recoam the liner. So far the aluminum is holding up with slight pitting.

Jan 26, 2015
Delair Top Rail Rusting BAD
by: jimmy

Same situation here, Delair 30' AGP with top rail rusting to pieces and causing major headaches. Has anyone had any luck with replacement or similar parts that will fit without breaking the bank?

Tried sanding and spraying with rust resistant paint but it's like cancer. I'm getting scared that my kids will brush up against some part and cut themselves. Any info is greatly appreciated.

Apr 10, 2015
Rusting Away
by: Anonymous

I bought mine in 2008 and the top rails were breaking rust pieces last year now this year almost all of the rails need replaced. Warranty? What a joke. To buy replacement parts it is an arm and two legs.

Apr 15, 2015
Top and bottom rails
by: Anonymous

Check with a sheet metal shop. I have had two bottom rails made for mine.

Nov 17, 2015
Side Wall and Top Rails Rusted Out
by: Anonymous

I bought my 24' round pool in 2008 and the top rails are rusting away. Also,the side wall around the skimmer and the pipes from wall has rusted out.This warranty is a joke. Hard to find replacement parts now.

May 15, 2016
Pool Caps
by: Dan

I also have a Delair Symphony series pool. The top caps are all cracking and I have no idea how to get replacement caps??

May 28, 2019
pool top cap T4062
by: Anonymous

Do y'all have pool top cap T4062 i need 16 of them for replacement

May 04, 2020
Replacement for ledge and Caps
by: Anonymous

I have been advised that delair group is out of business and there is literally no one around that has replacements parts for their 15' round pool. I am looking for the caps and ledge. Because the company is out of business it seems impossible to get the replacement parts leaving the purchaser at a disadvantage. Is there any advice or a way to purchase the parts?

Jun 16, 2020
Bottom rails
by: Anonymous

We were given a 27' Delair pool . we are in need of the bottom rails that the wall sits in. Several are rusted. How can I get them? I was sent to a place but they are out of stock with not idea when they will get them .

Jun 28, 2020
Parts for Delair Above Ground Pool
by: Max

Have 3 boxes of brand new Delair Uprights and Column Bases. Factory Packaged. each box: 6 of Gray, x8242-33. Pictures Avialabele. Email:

Apr 04, 2021
Bottom tracking for 18ft round pool
by: Laurie

Hello Im looking for the bottom tracking for a DelAir Symphonie Series above ground l8ft pool. Im looking all over and cant seem to find any company with this product. Will any railing work we just have to replace 3 or 4 of the rails as we moved the pool and have to reset it up.
Thanks laurie

May 24, 2022
Delair pool parts
by: Anonymous

I'm looking for 2 top plates. 2 top tracks to secure the liner. 1 leg & 4 top caps for my 24ft round delair pool. Any suggestions where to locate these parts

Jun 15, 2022
by: Bob in CT

Two places. Ebay has some used parts for Johnny Weissmuller Ester Williams pools.
Teddy Bear Pools in Chicopee Ma, still has parts for these pools also. HTH.

Jun 16, 2022
Top Caps
by: Anonymous

Have an 18x33 oval Johnny Weismuller pool. Caps were discontinued. Does anyone have a suggestion on a similar cap?

Aug 10, 2023
Delair pool parts
by: Tracy

I'm looking for many parts; 4 top plates, 4 deck plates, 2 top tracks to secure the liner, 12 top caps for my 24' round Delair pool with a walking deck. Any suggestions where to locate these parts?

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